Monthly Archives - enero 2016

China y la «ironía» del Soft Power

enero 19, 2016

Por: Marco Carrasco M.Sc. Behavioural Economics Université Paris 1 – Pantheon Sorbonne En 1990, Joseph Nye —geopolítico estadounidense y profesor de la Universidad de Harvard— acuñó el término soft power por primera vez en su libro Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. El concepto, que desde entonces ha entrado más y más en las discusiones de los círculos académicos y políticos a nivel mundial, hace referencia a la capacidad que un agente o ente político puede tener para incidir [...]

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The Euro: the bone of contention

enero 6, 2016

Por: Chiara Villani Master in International Relations LUISS Guido Carli Since its introduction in 1999, the Euro has represented a symbol of unity and fragmentation. Conceived as a means to maintain peace while fostering political and economic unity, the European common currency constituted a major cause of disagreement among the EU member states since the very first phase of its design and conceptualization. Thus, the Euro emerged after gruelling and long-lasting negotiations on its value and rationale, which have unveiled severe cleavages [...]

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